Feeding our neighbors in need
We are so thankful for the donations that come from local businesses, community organizations and individuals.
Harvest House would not be able to feed our neighbors
if it weren't for all of you!
Fundraisers and Food Drives can be coordinated through our Director.
Please use the "Contact Us" page to get in touch.
Food Donations can be dropped off at the pantry during the morning hours
of Wednesday - Friday.
Cash Donations can either dropped off for Harvest House at the Cedar
Springs church office during business hours or mailed to:
25713 70th Ave, Graham, WA 98338
Online Donations can be made by clicking the "Donate" button.

Please indicate in notes on payment form where you would like funds to be allocated:
Harvest House-Food Pantry
Power Packs
Holiday Turkeys
Harvest House is a DBA of Community Care Ministries which is a 501(c)3 non-profit, charitable organization. Harvest House is located on the Cedar Springs Community Church campus. All donations are deposited directly into the Harvest House account and are separate from Cedar Springs Church funds.